Some Awesome Bell Ringing

Here are some other handbell ringing that is simply awesome!

Come Thou Fount of every blessing

All that Jazz

Danny Lyons – playing 8 bells…

Handbells versus a typewriter?

Wizards of Winter

Hallelujah Chorus (ok they are cheating and using a piano)

And you thought this song disappeared  …I don’t recommend the bell technical the tall guy used at about 2 1/2 minutes into it.

Now the Green Blade Rises

Sabre Dance  (which bells are mine?)

Wind them up and then walk out!

Anyone Interested in learning?

Angels we have heard on High

Bohemian Rhapsody

Everytime I feel the sprit Check out the changing of the 4 in hand bells

Hey Marilyn you said you were bored?